To provide students and families a safe, nurturing and challenging educational experience that will foster the strength of character necessary to succeed in career and life.
We envision a school district where students are champions of excellence in learning and life, and are supported by highly qualified administration and faculty, involved parents and an invested community, who show their dedication to educational success through their own high moral and professional standards.
Our Pillars of Excellence
Ensuring that staff and students remain safe from all verbal, physical and emotional harm so that hearts and minds can be open to learning perspective that each unique life experience brings to education.
Choosing to put education first.
For each other, the rules and the educational process.
Beyond the books, caring for and supporting each other.
Our Values
Hard work: Expecting to achieve excellence equal only to the effort given.
Parent involvement: Encouraging and giving every opportunity for parents to be aware of and active in their child’s educational experience.
Stability: Providing a structured, consistent environment that students and families can depend on.
Trust: Developing open, honest relationships between administration, teachers, parents and students.
Relationships: Being more than simply teachers; offering compassion, guidance and resources to students, their families and the entire community.
Responsibility: Owning up to mistakes and talking out conflict to elevate maturity and encourage growth.
Opportunity: Connecting our students and their families with a path toward a successful future, through academics and resources at OLHSA, a Community Action Agency.
Diversity: Honoring the special perspective that each unique life experience brings to education.